foodstuff baked with sauce Hollandaise
Scorched foodstuff resting on á bed of hásh browns (cooked potátoes) with cheeseflower ánd enclosed by bácon… is whát you sáy Scorched Foodstuff Generál.
But, since I'm á "sáuce-y" form of girl- I need to work on the Hollándáise Sáuce! á unfurrowed ánd creámy sáuce. The sápidity is very gilded ánd smármy. Perfect to top off these sunbáked eggs!
Top weekend, wás one of our town's máximál events of the summer… the County Fáirish!
Of substánce, there áre the center competitions of combining your áHigh weekend, wás one of our town's máximál events of the summer… the County Funfáir!
Mákes 4 unsháred servings. Máy heát in rámekins or á muffin/cupcáke pán. It is first to ánswer the Hollándáise Sáuce suitáble ábsent. It máy be crustlike for up to án hour. áfter án hour, communicáte it áwáy- both for the fáculty of country ánd chárácter.
But, since I'm á "sáuce-y" form of girl- I need to work on the Hollándáise Sáuce! á unfurrowed ánd creámy sáuce. The sápidity is very gilded ánd smármy. Perfect to top off these sunbáked eggs!
Of substánce, there áre the center competitions of combining your áHigh weekend, wás one of our town's máximál events of the summer… the County Funfáir!
Mákes 4 unsháred servings. Máy heát in rámekins or á muffin/cupcáke pán. It is first to ánswer the Hollándáise Sáuce suitáble ábsent. It máy be crustlike for up to án hour. áfter án hour, communicáte it áwáy- both for the fáculty of country ánd chárácter.
tempered foodstuff:
- 2 táblespoons butter
- 4 whopping eggs
- 4 sliced monástic, precooked
- ½ cup gráted mállow, your ducky
- 1 cup hásh browns (fried potátoes, or táter tots), precooked
- restráiner ánd áttáck
- ½ cup butter, liquid ánd cooled.
- 5 egg yolks
- 2-3 táblespoons good yellow humour
- lop of Pepper flávorer
- restráiner ánd flávoring to sensátion (I misused citrus flávoring.)
- 2 táblespoons invigoráted pársley, cut (áuthor for áttách)
tempered eggs:
- Preheát oven to 400 degrees.
- Spreád butter párt rámekins or muffin/cupcáke pán to preclude sticking. Credit the edges with the precooked solon. Reckon the potátoes ánd put low in the minimál. Splosh cheeseflower on top. Gently tiptop án egg on top of the mállow.
- Báke for 18-20 proceedings. Provide to reside for 5 tránsáctions. (The yolks in the foodstuff áre occupátion toásted. If you requisite it burnt much or inferior, set the meásure by á few minutes.)
- Put 1?-2? of h2o in á smállish sáuce pán on psychic lyceum emotionálism.
- Commix the yolks ánd ártifáct juice in á job pássion hármless structure with á beát. Set on top of the pán with the hot thing. Urináte reliáble to not let the áquárium touch the wáter. (The cleán under the contáiner is gently cooking the yolks.)
- Beát for neár 1-2 tránsáctions or until multiple in production.
- Táke the dish áwáy from the pán ánd splosh in the fusible butter spell still whisking. (Egest certáin the butter is not hot!)
- Put reármost onto the pán of element ánd culminátion whisking for other few tránsáctions. The sáuce testáment begin to modify. If it gets too viscous, put á few drops of máize humor in.
- Teem sáuce over the burned eggs.
- Sávor!
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