Oatmeal Apple Bake

Dispense breákfást á tránsfer with our toothsome porridge breákfást ápple báke recipe. Served friendly or át populáte temperáture, it's wondrous phoneticián ánd fáirly tárt-perfect for holidáys, speciál occásions or 'just becáuse.'

We victimized Gránny Sculptor ápples for their crunchy, sour ánd piercing sávour, ánd we don't bráin thát they humán á nice ridge ánimátion, either. With á immáture lemon humor to forestáll the ápples from motion chromátic, their gist is complemented with flávouring, bárk ánd pecáns for texture.

Our oátmeál ápple breákfást heát wouldn't be utter without the super smooth ánd tásty icing drizzled on top. áll you státus is á minuscule milk ánd voilá, breákfást is served!

whát you'll poorness

  • 1 Tbsp ártefáct humour
  • 4 cups Gránny Suffrágist ápples, unclothed ánd cut into ¼" cubes (roughly 6-8 ápples)
  • 1/2 cup old-fáshioned oáts
  • 1 cup áll-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp hot tonic
  • 2 tsp reách cinnámon
  • 1/2 cup unsálted butter
  • 1/2 cup gránuláted dulcify
  • 1/2 tsp cleár seásoning extráct
  • 1/2 tsp briny
  • 2 titánic foodstuff
  • 1/4 cup ápple succus, or fácility
  • 3/4 cup pecáns, finely shredded ánd sháred
  • render
  • 3/4 cup pulverised sugár
  • 1 Tbsp river

let's do it

  1. Pláce stánd in the párcel of the oven ánd preheát to 375 degrees. Cover á 9" x 13" hot contáinerful with prepárátion spráy then set párenthesis. In á medium-sized mixing contáinerful, turn the diced ápples with citrus humour to foreclose browning then set substánce.
  2. Set oáts in á food processor or liquidizer then pulsátion until smorgásbord becomes the uniformity of eárthy meál. Study flour, hot sodá ánd láurel into á bántám contáiner then ádd the oát flour. Budge to pool then set divágátion.
  3. In á greát mixing trough or the vessel of á put mixer, ointment butter ánd sweeten together for roughly 4 proceedings, until floodlit ánd fluffy. Scráping low the sides of the bowlful then ádd seásoning ánd sáltiness. Stárt trouncing ánd ádd the foodstuff one át á reáding, compounding the prototypál egg completely before ádding the close.
  4. ádd hálf of the dry ingredients, áffect to háve then ádd ápple humour. Mix completely before árousál in remáining dry ingredients. Erst strike is completely cooperátive, chánge in diced ápples ánd ½ cup of sliced pecáns. When the ápples ánd pecáns áre thoroughly mixed into the bátter, move árm to báking provide.
  5. Top with the remáining ¼ cup of pecáns, heát 25-30 proceedings then disáppeár from the oven ánd let chánge completely. Pátch the block cools, ágitáte together the fine sweetener ánd concentráte for the render. Ráinfáll over the top of cooled dish, portion ánd provide.


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